Daddy was away for biz trip for a total of 13 days. Thank God he is coming back tonight :P
We've been telling Clement that daddy will be back today. Early morning when he awakes, and it was still dark, he sat up on the bed and turn around looking on our King size bed. No sign of daddy. Only the sleepy "pretend sleeping" mom.
"Mama, 爸爸。。。没有。。。回来。。。(daddy did not come back)." That was his first sentence of the day. Gosh. Did he feel cheated??
"爸爸... aeroplane...没有。。。回来。。。(he actually mean Papa is still on biz trip, not home yet, in case you think that he says daddy fly kite, that's why not home yet)" Guess that is the most logical reason for him why he did not see papa on the bed when everyone tells him that daddy will be back TODAY!!
Haha... Guess that time I should set 'precise' expectation for him -> Papa is coming back TOMORROW NIGHT instead of TOMORROW.
Feeling so relieved that daddy is finally coming home, though 'home alone' with Clement is still bearable for this heavily pregnant lady, with help from my in-laws. Only thing I regreted was that I dare not remind him of "Sunday School" on weekends. Because if I talk about it, he will start looking forward and I'm not sure if I'm able to handle him alone outside with the big belly and slight lower backache coming on and off.
Anyway, glad that he was happy with the weekend activities we been through together while daddy was away - walking to and fro the beach nearby, playing Play-Doh, drawing with fingers using washable paints and so on. Besides, am more pro in blowing bubbles through Clement's fist during bath time. I used to be so bad in this skill that everytime Clement gives me a disappointed face :(
Daddy, you need to work harder to bond back to Clement lo. He is very sticky to mommy now since you were away.... :)
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sharing on Parenting
Saw this in friend's blog, which she referred to from other blogs. Nice.
實施獎勵制度,也有助於養成早睡的習慣。家有兩個小學生的楊玟莉會準備月曆,讓孩子每天記錄自己睡覺和起床時間,發零用錢時順便檢討,很快就能看出成效 如果孩子的起床問題仍沒改善,應設法找出原因:是否太晚睡?睡眠量夠不夠?每個人所需的睡眠時間不同,除了滿足孩子的睡眠需求,父母也要先以身作則,養成規律的作息。
您真的是很關心孩子的母親,不過目前孩子可以接收到您的關心嗎?我相信若您能從自主的角度來關心,將教育工作交給「實際的自然經驗」,讓孩子從經驗中學習。在孩子有成功經驗時,多鼓勵孩子「已經做到」及「具體的好行為」,陪孩子享受成就的喜悅;若結果不如孩子所想,陪伴孩子的失望,讓她了解自己正處於嘗試及學習的過程,沒有成功不代表她做錯了或是她不好。這能讓孩子真切感受到您的關心,進而成為孩子繼續接受成長挑戰的泉源!(黃美淇 友緣基金會專任諮商心理師)
實施獎勵制度,也有助於養成早睡的習慣。家有兩個小學生的楊玟莉會準備月曆,讓孩子每天記錄自己睡覺和起床時間,發零用錢時順便檢討,很快就能看出成效 如果孩子的起床問題仍沒改善,應設法找出原因:是否太晚睡?睡眠量夠不夠?每個人所需的睡眠時間不同,除了滿足孩子的睡眠需求,父母也要先以身作則,養成規律的作息。
您真的是很關心孩子的母親,不過目前孩子可以接收到您的關心嗎?我相信若您能從自主的角度來關心,將教育工作交給「實際的自然經驗」,讓孩子從經驗中學習。在孩子有成功經驗時,多鼓勵孩子「已經做到」及「具體的好行為」,陪孩子享受成就的喜悅;若結果不如孩子所想,陪伴孩子的失望,讓她了解自己正處於嘗試及學習的過程,沒有成功不代表她做錯了或是她不好。這能讓孩子真切感受到您的關心,進而成為孩子繼續接受成長挑戰的泉源!(黃美淇 友緣基金會專任諮商心理師)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My dear toddler (22months)
It's been a wonderful journey witnessing the growth of my lil toddler. He has turned from a child who loves seeing you dance, listening you sing, following your story tellings, to an active bubbly boy who will dance, sing and even tell you stories to cheer you up :) How amazing! I still remember he loves the song "拔萝卜" where you have to keep thinking of which additional person to called to come help you pull the giant raddish. This was his favourite for many months till later on he liked "old Mac Donald" until now. This is a normal song that we sang till bored and decided to add new 'features' in the song, changing new lyrics, but still, everytime you repeat the song, it's different animals/sounds or theme. Challenging har. But lately he will tell you ahead what animal he wants. Even funnier, he'll tell you horses don't go "neigh neigh", but "tik tok tik tok"... haha. And he insist you to sing his version. Occasionally we will ask him to sing, he might or might not. But if he does, it's really very cute and entertaining.
Story time has also been a good bonding time for us, especially before bedtime and while we travel in the car. "Noah's Ark" is still his favourite, besides "Daniel in the Lions Den", "David and Goliath" and also "God called little Samuel". When we asked him to tell us Noah's story, his version will sounds like this: Noah - good man - God - build big big boat - rain... (and then we will remind him that he forgot the animals, and he will recap as follows) two elephants - 2 giraffes - 2 birds - 2 bear bear - 2 moo moo cows - 2 eagles (until he run out of animals) - rain - dove - olive leave - rainbow. If you interrupt and ask how long it rained? He will tell you "forty days". And you ask forty days and...? He will continue "forty nights". Cute!
As he likes stickers a lot and we found this at the Baptist Bookstore. It was his BIGGEST sticker project (8 A4 size).


However, this sticker project is different from his previous sticker project, which we bought with RM10 from Daiso:

This one is re-attachable stickers which you can stick on flat surfaces like wood or wall. When it is less sticky, you can wash it and it is sticky again. Clement is so used to this re-attachable version that he thought that his Noah's project works the same way. He started peeling off some of the stickers. We tried explaining the differences but he couldn't understand. No choice, am currently keeping it at a safe place. Will have to gather at least 6 pcs of similar sizes poster to laminate them since the min cost the shop will charge me is RM16. Guess it is related to their machine set up cost. Therefore, we'll wait to see if any parents having the similar Mega Sticker project as this and would like to combine with us to meet the MOQ 6pcs, or we'll buy more Mega Poster Sized Sticker Projects for Clement (I think he will smile ear to ear if he hears this). haha.....
Recently I had my first online shopping at Fabulous Mom. Got this RM10 Little Bat bag for the little boy, and also a pink Little Angel one for his mei mei. His first reaction was - he can now fly like angel! Haha....

Check out his favourite expressions lately when you take out the camera phone to take his photo:

This was after he feed himself daddy's ice cream 'cake' (actually we bought daddy a tub of Nestle Ice Cream, lit some candles on it as replacement of a real cake). happy birthday daddy!

Drawing has no boundary, even on your face. Haha....

That's my little boy, 2 years old to be in less than 2 months time...
Story time has also been a good bonding time for us, especially before bedtime and while we travel in the car. "Noah's Ark" is still his favourite, besides "Daniel in the Lions Den", "David and Goliath" and also "God called little Samuel". When we asked him to tell us Noah's story, his version will sounds like this: Noah - good man - God - build big big boat - rain... (and then we will remind him that he forgot the animals, and he will recap as follows) two elephants - 2 giraffes - 2 birds - 2 bear bear - 2 moo moo cows - 2 eagles (until he run out of animals) - rain - dove - olive leave - rainbow. If you interrupt and ask how long it rained? He will tell you "forty days". And you ask forty days and...? He will continue "forty nights". Cute!
As he likes stickers a lot and we found this at the Baptist Bookstore. It was his BIGGEST sticker project (8 A4 size).
However, this sticker project is different from his previous sticker project, which we bought with RM10 from Daiso:
This one is re-attachable stickers which you can stick on flat surfaces like wood or wall. When it is less sticky, you can wash it and it is sticky again. Clement is so used to this re-attachable version that he thought that his Noah's project works the same way. He started peeling off some of the stickers. We tried explaining the differences but he couldn't understand. No choice, am currently keeping it at a safe place. Will have to gather at least 6 pcs of similar sizes poster to laminate them since the min cost the shop will charge me is RM16. Guess it is related to their machine set up cost. Therefore, we'll wait to see if any parents having the similar Mega Sticker project as this and would like to combine with us to meet the MOQ 6pcs, or we'll buy more Mega Poster Sized Sticker Projects for Clement (I think he will smile ear to ear if he hears this). haha.....
Recently I had my first online shopping at Fabulous Mom. Got this RM10 Little Bat bag for the little boy, and also a pink Little Angel one for his mei mei. His first reaction was - he can now fly like angel! Haha....
Check out his favourite expressions lately when you take out the camera phone to take his photo:
This was after he feed himself daddy's ice cream 'cake' (actually we bought daddy a tub of Nestle Ice Cream, lit some candles on it as replacement of a real cake). happy birthday daddy!
Drawing has no boundary, even on your face. Haha....
That's my little boy, 2 years old to be in less than 2 months time...
Monday, September 19, 2011
Getting more expressive
Clement is growing up so fast day after day. Am so happy that God blessed me with a job that require no travelling at all, and can have more time with Clement after work and during weekends.
Occasionally when we were rushing off to work in the morning, Clement would want to help carry my tumbler and handbag. Good that he has not attempt to carry daddy's heavy laptop bag. There were two occasions where he actually shouted at us when we were approaching the car. He ran into the house and showed up holding a food carrier at the gate later on, trying to remind us to take it to work as we've forgotten to. What a nice gesture and attentive boy. He really take notes of details, which surprised both YS and me. The caring character really touches our heart.
On Sunday, I went to have a haircut, after almost half a year of messy hair. To cut short the time, I prewashed my hair before I went there. Since there was not many customers in the shop, the hairdresser told me that it's going to be my turn in few minutes and my family member can just wait for a while. As Clement is in the stage of 'stranger anxiety' recently, he cried refusing to leave the car nor to enter the shop. Thus daddy and him stayed in the car while I went in for a 'quick' cut.
When done, I only realised that it was raining outside. Since it was not raining when I left the car, I did not bring an umbrella with me. After I entered the car with the hairdresser and her umbrella, Clement welcomed me with a big smile and hug.
On the way back, he said, "Mama forgot...."
He repeated that several times as I couldn't catch it the first two times. When finally it rings the bell, I asked him, "Mama forgot what?"
"Mama forgot um-bre-la... raining... Noah's ark..."
I asked if it has been raining for some time. YS said yes. And I asked if he mentioned umbrella to Clement in the car before I came in. YS said no, which he was also surprised at Clement's ability to express himself in words he knows.
At night when Clement was tossing in the bed trying to sleep, he hugged his Mickey Mouse. Recently he is very buddy with Mickey. (He even play wrestling with Mickey. He would free fall on Mickey and then tell us sympatically that Mickey stomach pain-pain, while rubbing on Mickey's tummy and say sorry to Mickey.....) Then we heard him saying, "Thank you, Mickey Mou... Mickey Mou, 谢谢你..." before he went to sleep. May God continue to nurture the loving and caring character in you, as gentle and merciful as what Clement means...
Thanks God for teaching us to love, through this little boy. May mei mei be as loving and kind as her ko ko too.
Occasionally when we were rushing off to work in the morning, Clement would want to help carry my tumbler and handbag. Good that he has not attempt to carry daddy's heavy laptop bag. There were two occasions where he actually shouted at us when we were approaching the car. He ran into the house and showed up holding a food carrier at the gate later on, trying to remind us to take it to work as we've forgotten to. What a nice gesture and attentive boy. He really take notes of details, which surprised both YS and me. The caring character really touches our heart.
On Sunday, I went to have a haircut, after almost half a year of messy hair. To cut short the time, I prewashed my hair before I went there. Since there was not many customers in the shop, the hairdresser told me that it's going to be my turn in few minutes and my family member can just wait for a while. As Clement is in the stage of 'stranger anxiety' recently, he cried refusing to leave the car nor to enter the shop. Thus daddy and him stayed in the car while I went in for a 'quick' cut.
When done, I only realised that it was raining outside. Since it was not raining when I left the car, I did not bring an umbrella with me. After I entered the car with the hairdresser and her umbrella, Clement welcomed me with a big smile and hug.
On the way back, he said, "Mama forgot...."
He repeated that several times as I couldn't catch it the first two times. When finally it rings the bell, I asked him, "Mama forgot what?"
"Mama forgot um-bre-la... raining... Noah's ark..."
I asked if it has been raining for some time. YS said yes. And I asked if he mentioned umbrella to Clement in the car before I came in. YS said no, which he was also surprised at Clement's ability to express himself in words he knows.
At night when Clement was tossing in the bed trying to sleep, he hugged his Mickey Mouse. Recently he is very buddy with Mickey. (He even play wrestling with Mickey. He would free fall on Mickey and then tell us sympatically that Mickey stomach pain-pain, while rubbing on Mickey's tummy and say sorry to Mickey.....) Then we heard him saying, "Thank you, Mickey Mou... Mickey Mou, 谢谢你..." before he went to sleep. May God continue to nurture the loving and caring character in you, as gentle and merciful as what Clement means...
Thanks God for teaching us to love, through this little boy. May mei mei be as loving and kind as her ko ko too.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Visit to Logos Hope Ship
Yong Sheng, Clement and I visited the Logos Hope ship on 3 Sept, at Port Swettenham, Penang. On Friday night, we told Clement that we will be visiting the ship the next day. He happily sang "baa baa black sheep.... wooooo...." in response. Oh, how to explain that both "ship" and "sheep" are different thing though they sound similar?
So I started using "big big boat" instead of "ship", but on and off will keep repeating that "big big boat = ship". We had great time fellowshiping with some friends and their kids during the ship tour, followed by the book fair. I was happy to grab some kids bibles with CDs which are so cheap and nice! The songs are so lovely too. There were many other kids books and we bought some for Clement, not forgetting his latest favourites - the sticker books and some "Bob The Builder" fridge magnets :)
After a long day, Clement had a 4hours afternoon nap on that day. When grandpa asked how him how was his day when he finally woke up for dinner, he stretched out his hands wide saying, "Big big ship"! Haha.... Kids learns fast. Why was I so paranoid? :p He can now differentiate the "ship" and "sheep". Good boy!
So I started using "big big boat" instead of "ship", but on and off will keep repeating that "big big boat = ship". We had great time fellowshiping with some friends and their kids during the ship tour, followed by the book fair. I was happy to grab some kids bibles with CDs which are so cheap and nice! The songs are so lovely too. There were many other kids books and we bought some for Clement, not forgetting his latest favourites - the sticker books and some "Bob The Builder" fridge magnets :)
After a long day, Clement had a 4hours afternoon nap on that day. When grandpa asked how him how was his day when he finally woke up for dinner, he stretched out his hands wide saying, "Big big ship"! Haha.... Kids learns fast. Why was I so paranoid? :p He can now differentiate the "ship" and "sheep". Good boy!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Missing in action for more than half a year...
Well, looks like I've disappeared for pretty long time. 8 long months without any post!!! Aiyo. Actually I composed a long one 2 months ago, but when I return to continue, only 10% of the entire draft was saved! Demotivated till now...
Probably have been really tied up with my 3M job as lots of traveling was required especially when I'm required to cover Ipoh as well since Jan. It was really consuming much of my time and energy travelling on plane or car EVERY WEEK for a total of five long months. Then, remaining time will be for a lot a lot a lot of rest to rejuvenate. Excuses... :p
Jan - it was my first 3M Sales Convention and Annual Dinner. Both took place in KL, Sime Darby Convention Centre and Le Meredien Hotel respectively. Nice. Thye actually hired event planner (The Jungle People if I remember correctly) which was not too bad. So glad am able to fit into the Cheong Sam I bought for the annual dinner. People told me that KL people will really dress up for events, and indeed I witnessed it, a huge difference compared to those few in Penang which I attended before. Imagine that, even guys also spent to rent costumes which suits the theme - Shanghai Night. There were few Malay colleagues who dress up as Monkey King (孙悟空), Na Za (吶咤), Huan Zhu Ge Ge (还珠格格)and so on (which not really matching the theme, but they were sporting enough to wear those costumes through the night!!)
My lucky draw prize, woth RM280 if not mistaken... They told me that usually the new hires will SURE win lucky draw prizes and I didn't really believe it. But it did happened to 60% of my dept new hires...
I think I have the most mother's chat with her...
The Technical Services Team Photo...
Feb - Chinese New Year, Wedding 3rd anniversary (wah so fast!!), and Valentines. Clement gets to wear several chinese costumes which were given by relatives. He looks so cute in those outfit - little chinese boy...
Apr - It was really rare to have a senior manager to organise trainings to the staffs. But in 3M, we were so blessed to have one who was willing to allocate his time to teach us how to use Microsoft Movie Maker as it seems useful to impress customers with the information, photos and videos we have. Nowadays power point is not sufficient or impressive enough. Short quality video speaks more than a thousand words in a short and interactive way, don't you think so? He is really up-to-date and techy though he's not from IT or engineering background. All he taught us was what he self learned during his free time. Salute! Well, free trainings don't come free. Our 'homework' was to submit a 2 minutes movie of any topic in 3 days time. Sweat... But it was a good practice. This is my first movie....
June - This is a special month. As it marks my last month in 3M. Till today I did not regret joining this great company with wonderful and talented people. However, the job was not really suitable for me for long run as it requires tonnes of outstation travelling, driving, flying (which majority are ad-hoc), and also the consistent fear of the need to stay overnight out of Penang for unresolved issues (again, adhoc). If I were not married, with no children, or if I am a guy, probably it would really fit me well :) Anyway, I do really enjoy all the friendships built within this 1 year.
The pantry room which turned into my lactation room for <1 hour daily. The mini bar was specially arrange for milk and food storage since the other existing refrigerator has some chemical stored inside.
The team of people whom I work most closely while I was in 3M. My 'travel' partners.
This was also the month where little brother graduates as a medical student. And also Clement's first flight experience. We went to Langkawi for a family retreat :)
July - This is another important month which I joined Altera, back to the company which paid for my tertiary education. Haha, the old scholars said, "Welcome back!" In fact, all UTM ex-scholars are now back with Altera, except for CCL. Everyone was 'waiting' for the Reunion Day if she does come back someday, and if all of us are still here. I really thank God for blessing me with this job, in this comapny which does not discreminate, at the right and perfect timing.
Below is a video I like. I'm not a crab person as I'm timid in heart one. Haha... When I introduced the little crab to Clement, I was also afraid that it might bite him. Thus I did not really let him touch it, just in case. As a result, he was also a little fearful at first. Then brave MIL teach him how to play with the crab...
Probably have been really tied up with my 3M job as lots of traveling was required especially when I'm required to cover Ipoh as well since Jan. It was really consuming much of my time and energy travelling on plane or car EVERY WEEK for a total of five long months. Then, remaining time will be for a lot a lot a lot of rest to rejuvenate. Excuses... :p
Jan - it was my first 3M Sales Convention and Annual Dinner. Both took place in KL, Sime Darby Convention Centre and Le Meredien Hotel respectively. Nice. Thye actually hired event planner (The Jungle People if I remember correctly) which was not too bad. So glad am able to fit into the Cheong Sam I bought for the annual dinner. People told me that KL people will really dress up for events, and indeed I witnessed it, a huge difference compared to those few in Penang which I attended before. Imagine that, even guys also spent to rent costumes which suits the theme - Shanghai Night. There were few Malay colleagues who dress up as Monkey King (孙悟空), Na Za (吶咤), Huan Zhu Ge Ge (还珠格格)and so on (which not really matching the theme, but they were sporting enough to wear those costumes through the night!!)
My lucky draw prize, woth RM280 if not mistaken... They told me that usually the new hires will SURE win lucky draw prizes and I didn't really believe it. But it did happened to 60% of my dept new hires...
I think I have the most mother's chat with her...
The Technical Services Team Photo...

Feb - Chinese New Year, Wedding 3rd anniversary (wah so fast!!), and Valentines. Clement gets to wear several chinese costumes which were given by relatives. He looks so cute in those outfit - little chinese boy...
Apr - It was really rare to have a senior manager to organise trainings to the staffs. But in 3M, we were so blessed to have one who was willing to allocate his time to teach us how to use Microsoft Movie Maker as it seems useful to impress customers with the information, photos and videos we have. Nowadays power point is not sufficient or impressive enough. Short quality video speaks more than a thousand words in a short and interactive way, don't you think so? He is really up-to-date and techy though he's not from IT or engineering background. All he taught us was what he self learned during his free time. Salute! Well, free trainings don't come free. Our 'homework' was to submit a 2 minutes movie of any topic in 3 days time. Sweat... But it was a good practice. This is my first movie....
June - This is a special month. As it marks my last month in 3M. Till today I did not regret joining this great company with wonderful and talented people. However, the job was not really suitable for me for long run as it requires tonnes of outstation travelling, driving, flying (which majority are ad-hoc), and also the consistent fear of the need to stay overnight out of Penang for unresolved issues (again, adhoc). If I were not married, with no children, or if I am a guy, probably it would really fit me well :) Anyway, I do really enjoy all the friendships built within this 1 year.
The pantry room which turned into my lactation room for <1 hour daily. The mini bar was specially arrange for milk and food storage since the other existing refrigerator has some chemical stored inside.
The team of people whom I work most closely while I was in 3M. My 'travel' partners.
This was also the month where little brother graduates as a medical student. And also Clement's first flight experience. We went to Langkawi for a family retreat :)
July - This is another important month which I joined Altera, back to the company which paid for my tertiary education. Haha, the old scholars said, "Welcome back!" In fact, all UTM ex-scholars are now back with Altera, except for CCL. Everyone was 'waiting' for the Reunion Day if she does come back someday, and if all of us are still here. I really thank God for blessing me with this job, in this comapny which does not discreminate, at the right and perfect timing.
Below is a video I like. I'm not a crab person as I'm timid in heart one. Haha... When I introduced the little crab to Clement, I was also afraid that it might bite him. Thus I did not really let him touch it, just in case. As a result, he was also a little fearful at first. Then brave MIL teach him how to play with the crab...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wrapping up for 2010
Gosh. My last blog was in early Nov. And worse still, it was a copy and paste material, not pure TCM works.... The REAL last blog dated 13Sept. Imagine that...
What have I done these many many months? Hmmm... Since Malaysia Day, I've been restarting my baking engine, which target was to bake Clement's birthday cake. Those few weekends in Sept through Nov was pretty busy as once Clement sleep around 8+ or 9pm, my baking task will resume. YS called it midnight baking. Tried several items like carrot cake, steamed pumpkin cake (supposed to be pumpkin cake but oven was on Emergency Medical Leave for 1 week), custard cream puff, almond mango cake, banana bread, and finally New York Cheese Cake and banana muffin for Clement's birthday. After that I got a little slack since I have to deplete all the cakes since my in-laws are not cake lovers, and the cakes may not meet their expectation. Too much carbo-loading. Let's take a short break for now till I'm motivated to restart the baking engine again, maybe sometime next year.
This is one of the giant cream puff I baked. This was room delivered to YS who was babysitting upstairs in the midnight, fresh from the oven. It tasted so good that night, but in the morning it's not as good as this, when it was hot and fresh.

During the baking season, there were always few hundred of minutes where you stay idle doing nothing in the midnight waiting for the oven to "ting". One of those days I was introduced to PPStream. And my short term hobby started. Hahah... Covered 2 famous Taiwanese movies: 幸福下一站 and 命中注定我爱你. These 2 dramas I really like them. You may watch if you have free time. Anyway, as I don't wish to turn into a potato who quit doing anything but staying in front of the laptop every night, I stopped downloading movies and went back to my normal cow routine.
Talking about cow routine, am pretty relieved that I am able to fully breastfeed Clement till he turns one. Wanted to quit when he turns one to resume to normal human lifestyle without counting the hours daily, choosing selected 'suitable' oversized blouse to wear, carrying 2 backpack to office and business trips during weekdays, popping in multivitamins and calcium pills everyday..... But felt it's a waste since my breastfeeding process is so smooth and supply is still sufficient. In fact, turning back to 6 months ago, I was so worried my new job will affect my milk supply. But HE has provided, and more than enough for Clement. And my routines, HE has taken care, all of them. I always tell Yong Sheng that things always changed to be favouable to me, which I really thanks God HE continue to test and build my faith. Well, after all 1-2 years of cow years for now, is still very short compared to number of years I've lived. Besides, till today I still enjoy the bonding time we have during nursing, really. It is a rewarding journey and sacrifice.
This year is a precious year, some may not understand. Haha... If you guessed it correctly, BINGO!! Yeah, this is the final birthday which my age starts with a number 2. It's as if I have not celebrated my birthday for long long time. 2008 I was in Shanghai alone during my birthday, last year was just after my confinement and all focus was on baby Clement. This year am glad we went back to Malacca, had a birthday cake with candles on to blow :) Really felt very warm and no regret travelling back there despite the tiring journey.
Updates on Clement? He has now 8 teeth, 4 upper and 4 lower. Able to walk on his own just before his birthday. Now he likes to walk without people supporting him. We don't really mind him 'running' around on carperted floor but when on cemented ground, our heart pumps faster. He can do relevant actions when you ask him, "Where is your ear?", "high-5", "bye bye", "friend kiss", "one-two-tali-zom", and lately I teach him "gong-xi gong-xi" which will be pretty useful in 1 month+ time.
Does Clement looks like older than his age in this picture? haha... It's just illusion coz I strap him with adult seat belt on normal seat.

We are trying to instill in him the habit of brushing teeth in the morning and night before bed. These was his 1-year old official present from daddy and mummy. Cheap but practical leh? :p

My sister flew in all the way from Singapore for his first birthday and bought him this lego set for bath time. He really likes this and insist of playing it everytime he have his bath. Good buy!

How bout YS? He has been a fabulous dad. In this 6 months, I've been to Spore twice, 1 week each, and KL or Seremban (3 days 2 nights) trips almost every month or every other month. Daddy has been coping well and really proud of him. Good job!! Previously pacifier was daddy's "saviour" to put Clement to sleep but recent months he could just pat and sing Clement to dreamland. Really thank God for loving and caring husband.
What have I done these many many months? Hmmm... Since Malaysia Day, I've been restarting my baking engine, which target was to bake Clement's birthday cake. Those few weekends in Sept through Nov was pretty busy as once Clement sleep around 8+ or 9pm, my baking task will resume. YS called it midnight baking. Tried several items like carrot cake, steamed pumpkin cake (supposed to be pumpkin cake but oven was on Emergency Medical Leave for 1 week), custard cream puff, almond mango cake, banana bread, and finally New York Cheese Cake and banana muffin for Clement's birthday. After that I got a little slack since I have to deplete all the cakes since my in-laws are not cake lovers, and the cakes may not meet their expectation. Too much carbo-loading. Let's take a short break for now till I'm motivated to restart the baking engine again, maybe sometime next year.
This is one of the giant cream puff I baked. This was room delivered to YS who was babysitting upstairs in the midnight, fresh from the oven. It tasted so good that night, but in the morning it's not as good as this, when it was hot and fresh.
During the baking season, there were always few hundred of minutes where you stay idle doing nothing in the midnight waiting for the oven to "ting". One of those days I was introduced to PPStream. And my short term hobby started. Hahah... Covered 2 famous Taiwanese movies: 幸福下一站 and 命中注定我爱你. These 2 dramas I really like them. You may watch if you have free time. Anyway, as I don't wish to turn into a potato who quit doing anything but staying in front of the laptop every night, I stopped downloading movies and went back to my normal cow routine.
Talking about cow routine, am pretty relieved that I am able to fully breastfeed Clement till he turns one. Wanted to quit when he turns one to resume to normal human lifestyle without counting the hours daily, choosing selected 'suitable' oversized blouse to wear, carrying 2 backpack to office and business trips during weekdays, popping in multivitamins and calcium pills everyday..... But felt it's a waste since my breastfeeding process is so smooth and supply is still sufficient. In fact, turning back to 6 months ago, I was so worried my new job will affect my milk supply. But HE has provided, and more than enough for Clement. And my routines, HE has taken care, all of them. I always tell Yong Sheng that things always changed to be favouable to me, which I really thanks God HE continue to test and build my faith. Well, after all 1-2 years of cow years for now, is still very short compared to number of years I've lived. Besides, till today I still enjoy the bonding time we have during nursing, really. It is a rewarding journey and sacrifice.
This year is a precious year, some may not understand. Haha... If you guessed it correctly, BINGO!! Yeah, this is the final birthday which my age starts with a number 2. It's as if I have not celebrated my birthday for long long time. 2008 I was in Shanghai alone during my birthday, last year was just after my confinement and all focus was on baby Clement. This year am glad we went back to Malacca, had a birthday cake with candles on to blow :) Really felt very warm and no regret travelling back there despite the tiring journey.
Updates on Clement? He has now 8 teeth, 4 upper and 4 lower. Able to walk on his own just before his birthday. Now he likes to walk without people supporting him. We don't really mind him 'running' around on carperted floor but when on cemented ground, our heart pumps faster. He can do relevant actions when you ask him, "Where is your ear?", "high-5", "bye bye", "friend kiss", "one-two-tali-zom", and lately I teach him "gong-xi gong-xi" which will be pretty useful in 1 month+ time.
Does Clement looks like older than his age in this picture? haha... It's just illusion coz I strap him with adult seat belt on normal seat.
We are trying to instill in him the habit of brushing teeth in the morning and night before bed. These was his 1-year old official present from daddy and mummy. Cheap but practical leh? :p
My sister flew in all the way from Singapore for his first birthday and bought him this lego set for bath time. He really likes this and insist of playing it everytime he have his bath. Good buy!
How bout YS? He has been a fabulous dad. In this 6 months, I've been to Spore twice, 1 week each, and KL or Seremban (3 days 2 nights) trips almost every month or every other month. Daddy has been coping well and really proud of him. Good job!! Previously pacifier was daddy's "saviour" to put Clement to sleep but recent months he could just pat and sing Clement to dreamland. Really thank God for loving and caring husband.
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