Clement still have 4 teeth, 2 upper and 2 lower. Lately he likes to bite everything he finds interesting, esp the buttons on your shirt. Must be very cautious. Did I mention that we find his teeth marks on the headboard of our bed? Once I found a 'crack' on the plastic teething railing on his baby cot. Hope it's a cosmetic defect from the factory and not resulted from the 4 teeth :p
Clement had his first visit to Youth park on Merdeka Day. We let him tried the slides, monkey bars, see-saw, and the swing. He was pretty tired by that time, so not so smiley face.
Lately we found him quite adorable when being seated on the supermarket trolley. He really hold tight to the bars to make sure he won't fall out of it. So cute!!

Nowadays Clement can crawl pretty fast. Too bad lately no baby crawling contest, else Clement can enter as "experienced" participant and maybe help daddy and mummy 'break-even' for the competition 'fees' paid earlier. Besides crawling very fast, walking by holding on to items he can reach, standing hands-free for few seconds before sitting on his buttock, late he learnt to climb. Yes, hold on the the passenger car seat at the back, and use his little legs climb up the seat like spiderman or lizard. Daddy caught him doing the samething twice today, but in the playpen. The little boy is strategizing how to escape from that little jail. Sweat.
Mum and dad bought Clement a Baby Mickey mouse on Hari Raya. Mummy measured and found that Baby Mickey's palm and foot size is same as Clement. Height wise Clement is slightly taller, and thank God Clement has smaller head :p
From some minor test, Clement proves that he can recognise Mickey, penguin, bear bear and other "friend-friend" he has. He confused "daddy" and "teddy" sometimes when you ask him where is "daddy" and he was busy looking for "teddy" in the baby cot.
Yesterday was daddy's 3x's birthday. Clement gave daddy and morning kiss early in the morning, which melt daddy's heart a lot a lot since Clement usually only kiss mummy :p at night before Clement sleep, he gave daddy another surprise (which surprised mummy too). Guess what? 2 pieces of 'home-made chocolate cake' from Clement!! It's a very meaningful gift since it was Clement's 2nd no-poo-day. So now reset back to 0 no-poo-day and everyone is so relieved.